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润银机械网 2022-09-06 15:52:54


中国石化新闻网讯 据阿拉伯时报9月20日报道称,科威特石油兼水电资源部长Bakheet Al-Rasheedi周二表示,科威特石油公司(KOC)增加游离气和轻质石油供应,将有助于满足该国对天然气的迫切需求,并开拓新的全球商业市场。

这位部长今天在库纳的一份声明中补充说,科威特石油公司每天成功生产5亿立方英尺的侏罗纪游离气和17.5万桶轻质石油,被认为是该公司的一项历史性成就。他指出,这项成就是通过完成侏罗纪生产的三个新工厂运作而完成的,这三个工厂位于该国北部的东Raudhatain,西 Raudhatain和Sabriya的油井地区。


徐蕾 摘译自 阿拉伯时报


Kuwait Oil Company’s increase in natural gas, oil contributes to meeting needs

Increasing free natural gas and light oil by Kuwait Oil Company(KOC) will help contribu平板玻璃te to meeting the country’s pressing need of gas and reaching new global commercial mark光电ets, s甲板机械aid Minister of Oil and Minister of Electricity and Water Bakheet Al-Rasheedi on Tuesday.

The success of KOC to produce 500 million cubic feet of Jurassic free natural gas and 175,000 barrels of light oil per day is considered a historic achievement of生产线 the company, the minister added in a statement to KUNA today. This achievement was made through the completion of operating the three new plants for Jurassic production that locate at oil wells of East Raudhatain, West Raudhatain and Sabriya, north of the country, he noted.

The accomplishment contributes to implementing the strategy of developing free gas and light oil, he said. It comes within the framework of continued efforts by the oil sector to raise production to 850 million cubic feet of free gas in 2020 and to one billion cubic feet in 2022, the minister explained.
